In summary, RICTA's principles imply respect and inclusive wisdom to culture within the work of ICT research such as, working WITH Aboriginal communities, the use of ICT, building relationships for research, and facilitating trust.
In early October 2010, I connected with Dr. Susan O'Donnell, an associate professor at UNB and key researcher for the RICTA group, she has been instrumental in furthering my interest on the digital divide facing First Nation communities. Dr. O'Donnell contributed to findings in the 2005 "Research on ICT with Aboriginal Communities", a comprehensive look at First Nation priorities in the application of ICT. One priority identified was education. This research identified the need for assistance to develop culturally relevant curriculum that would promote traditional language development. Another educational priority noted in Dr. O'Donnell's research was the need to better prepare First Nations post-secondary students for opportunities in IT industries (p.12).
I am now a 'member' of the RICTA group, I look forward to assisting First Nation communities looking to achieve their ICT educational and curriculum goals.