Friday, November 26, 2010

many miles of ICT

On November 17th, 2010, I participated in a video conference hosted by Chief Matthew Kakekaspan of Fort Severn First Nations in Ontario. Fort Severn is Ontario's most northern community. Chief Kakeaspan used this conference to introduce the empirical findings from a comprehensive study on the many digitally un-served Aboriginal communities in Canada named: Putting The "Last Mile" First: Re-framing broadband development for First Nations and Inuit communities. This draft report is the collaborative effort of universities (UNB & Simon Fraser)and First Nations councils, interviews, and key note technical administrators. This report is unlike any other I've encountered. It encompasses all aspects between the first and last mile of development to close the digital divide gap facing First Nations - including failures and community stories, best practices, broadband infrastructure challenges, connectivity services, and application of the technology to health, education, government, culture and language.

Chief Kakeaspan elegantly compares the 'first mile' of this long ICT journey like any journey through life; preparation, planning, proper equipment and becoming connected and unified with your nature, your people and community. He also described initial apprehension and concern for the impacts of technology on his community while respecting the economies of scale on affordibility in long term committments. Fort Severn listened, and soon became connected to the First Nations bulletin board within KNET, with hopes to further benefit from all First Nation initiatives. Chief Kakeaspan believes in the importance of technology, he stressed, "if it can work in Fort Severn, we can make it work anywhere by involving and embracing technology and the community". Conference participants debated government and institutional support, along with the need for training adn education. You can watch the conference video on the Northern Ontario Chief's non-political Council website. The final report is set to be released in December 2010, here is the full draft report.

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